Tuesday, March 01, 2005

If you don't like the response vote and vote again

The Knox County School Board held an election on student uniforms. The results were less than impressive, so the School Board Chairman blames the survey as being haphazard and ineffective. In other words 7 board members want school uniforms, (School Board Workshop 2/28/2005) so they will survey again until they get the desired response.

Of the 7 board members that support uniforms, only 1 wears a uniform to work everyday. They should begin to model their belief. They should impose a uniform for themselves, everyday.

The 7 board members are

Indya Kincannon 546-7098 or indyak@hotmail.com
Cindy Buttry 215-2360 or 584-6155 or cbuttry8@hotmail.com
Daniel P. Murphy 974-1752 or 523-0511 or dmurphy@utk.edu
Karen Carson 300-6443 or 675-0236 or carsonk@tds.net
Diane Dozier 922-5210 or 925-4851 or dianecdozier@aol.com
Jim Williams 933-5860 or c97jew@aol.com
Robert Bratton 595-0220 or 579-9999 or rbratton@etptv.org

The two board members that have demonstrated common sense are

Sam Anderson 215-2090 or 525-1681 or sanderson@ci.knoxville.tn.us
Chuck James 693-0091 or cjames06@comcast.net

With declining test scores, implementation of Knox County's Every School a Great School, overcrowded conditions and deplorable facilities. Should this be the boards focus? The school board each and every year requests millions of new dollars to simply keep the doors open.

Federal law requires that the school district provide the uniforms for the free and reduced school students. Do you want your hard earned tax dollars paying for kahkis and red shirts for all the students that can not afford them?

Knox County School Board's new focus; Making Every Student Look Like the Same Student.

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