Sunday, May 22, 2005

The Correct Sex Education Class

This evening Ed Bradley of CBS 60 minutes presented a story about Silver Ring Thing. Silver Ring Thing has been in Knoxville twice, that I am aware of. They first appeared at Farragut High School and second at Grace Baptist Church in the Karns community. They are scheduled to return to the Knoxville area on August 20, 2005 and February 4, 2006. Exact location of the venue has not been announced.

The days of "safe sex" education and handing out condoms to kids and saying its Ok, we know that you can't wait, go ahead and do what you feel like just use one of these, should be over.

The rapid rise of students and young adults contracting sexual disease and the large number of teenage pregancies, is evidence that the liberals approach to sex education has failed.

It is time for our community to demand of our local, state and federal officials to use an abstinence based curriculum. Silver Ring Thing is a good program, however, any program that teaches young students to save sex for marriage will work.

Silver Ring Thing can be located at
Just Wait can be located at
Choosing the Best can be loctaed at
Abstinence Clearinghouse can be located at

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