Saturday, May 14, 2005

Evidence of Liberal Media Bias - Hillary -vs- Delay

Here is a story form World Net Daily, written by Dr. Jerry Falwell, now before you leftist leaning moderates start screaming that Brian's Blog is pandering to the Right. By the way, I don't pander. I am to the Right.

Take the authors identity away and read the article. Then ask yourself is there media bias? If the media national and even local, suspect and find evidence that you are to the Right. They will hammer you, ask Vice-President Dan Quayle, ask Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, ask former State Senator Jim Holcolmb, ask Sheriff Hutchison if you need other examples, I will produce them.

That is why most elected officials that lean Right, don't stay long. The moderate/left media types are always writing, in most cases un-balanced and in some cases inaccurate stories. Everybody in this town knows the approximate location of Sheriff Hutchison's family vacation home. Where are the other elected officials vacation homes?

Long-term officials stay in the middle of the road, take No real position and have very little impact on making a difference. Compare the records of a State Sentor Jim Holcomb put it up against Senate Speaker John Wilder. Who made a real difference?

If you are moderate and leaning to the left or even a card carrying member of the media, you will say the guy in the middle that made all the safe calls.

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