Tuesday, May 31, 2005

New West Knox County High School

My sources indicate that representatives of the Knoxville/Knox County Public Building Authority appeared at the school board meeting this evening and have offered with the Superintendent's recommendation to provide oversight for the architectural/construction process of the new school.

PBA officials have determined that the school at this point is $7 million over, the $40 million dollar budget. The $550,000.00 paid to the PBA would ensure that the school remains within the $40 million dollar budget.

My sources indicate that Indya Kincannon Second District School Board Member asked (this evening) about the possibility of delaying the the school one year in order to save the $550,000.00.

Ms. Kincannon, if the school district were to save the $550,000.00 the project remains a $47 million dollar project -vs- the $40 million dollar budget that the citizens of Knox County approved through the successful wheel tax referendum. It also delays for one year the completion of the High School to address the overcrowded conditions.

The email addresses of the School Board Members are listed below:

Sam Anderson sanderson@ci.knoxville.tn.us
Indya Kincannon indyak@hotmail.com
Cindy Buttry cbuttry8@hotmail.com
Daniel Murphy dmurphy@utk.edu
Karen Carson carsonk@tds.net
Chuck James cjames06@comcast.net
Diane Dozier dianecdozier@aol.com
Jim Williams c97jew@aol.com
Robert Bratton rbratton@etptv.org

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