Monday, May 09, 2005

Our own Kenny Chesney weds

It was speculated that our own Kenny Chesney would wed today, May 9, 2005. WIVK FM 107.7 was the first media outlet that broke the news early this morning. It is now being reported on entertainment outlets as well as the Knoxville News-Sentinel. Kenny married actress Renee Zellweger.

All of my friends know that I have all of Kenny's music and listen to it loud. There are only a few movies that I credit with being my all time favorites: Chicago with Renee Zellweger is one, My Life is another and if you hurry you can catch The Diary of a Young Black Woman at the $1.50 movie theater in West Knoxville.

Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Kenny Chesney. Renee Zellweger Chesney will fall in love with East Tennessee, just as she has fallen in love with the man from Tennessee.

Congratulations to Kenny's Mom (Karen) and Dad (Dave) as their families have grown.

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