Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Anderson County Judge Buddy Scott Will Retire

This mornings Knoxville News-Sentinel reports that Anderson County Judge James B. "Buddy" Scott has informed Tennessee Governor that he will step down on September 2. Judge Scott served the criminal and circuit courts in Anderson County.

A 17 member panel will interview prospective candidates, they will submit three names to the Governor to consider for appointment for the remaining one year of Judge Scott's term.

The one name that has already surfaced is that of Don Elledge, Chairman of the Clinton School Board. I have watched Don Elledge as a Chairman and a progressive school board member. The only difference that I would have with Chairman Elledge is that he is a Democrat and I am a Republican. That could be to his advantage with a Democrat Governor making the decision.

Chairman Elledge has positioned himself to run for the elected position next year.

All eyes will be on the Governor to see who he appoints to this position. Will he continue with his "conservative mantra" or will he show the real Phil Bredesen with a liberal appointment of someone that has not been active in the community.

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