Monday, June 20, 2005

PBA, KCSFD or What

This issue continues to spin round and round. I attended the Knox County Commission Finance Committee today. This is my best stab at the issues and what is really going on. Dale Smith, Director of PBA in response to Commissioner John Griess questions, stated that he and PBA were requested by Superintendent Lindsey to evaluate the contracts and propose the arrangement that the board ultimately rejected on June 1, 2005.

Commissioner Mike Hammond explained, that at the board meeting, that he attended that the Board Chair and Superintendent made the point that their staff was covered up. Then the staff (Doug Whitted and Doug Dillingham) countered that NO that is not true, they can handle it. Mike Hammond, Operations Director for a number of radio stations, explains that had he attempted the same thing he would be unemployed at this time.

The bottom line is this: Merit Construction has informed Dale Smith if they are not moving dirt within 45 days August 2005, they will exceed the 24 month schedule. The Lewis Group has not provided the early work packet. The second piece of property is not purchased. Are you seeing where this is going?

The PBA of today is a professional organization with experienced professionals running the organization. Dale Smith, Blaize Burch and all others are competent, organized and know what it takes to bring a project on-time and under budget.

The PBA of yesterday Mike Edwards, Vern Patterson, Mike Cohen were not the PBA of today.

The School Board has promised this project in August 2007, the only way to ensure a $40 million dollar facility by August 2007 is for Dale Smith and Blaize Burch to be watching over The Lewis Group and Merit Construction shoulders.

Ericka Mellon of the Knoxville News-Sentinel was the only official member of the media in attendance at today's meeting. I was the only other interested community member in attendance. Interestingly, No member of the School family of the A.J. Building was in attendance.

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