Friday, July 15, 2005

Marriage Under Fire - Dr. James Dobson

The third book that I read on vacation was Marriage Under Fire by Dr. James Dobson. This is a small book that can be read within a couple of hours. It was published last year (2004) as an instruction manual for setting the debate on the Federal Marriage amendment that Congress, Senate and the Presidential campaign was focused on.

If you are an active reader of my blog, you are aware that I am against gay marriage protection. Now, those of you that are liberal and pro-gay, can call me a homophobe, hateful and a bigot. As a former elected official, I have had worse things said about me to my face and by cowards that said it behind my back. I know who my enemies are. Derogatory words by illiterate people have never caused me concern, because you demonstrate your motives with what you say.

If you want to see the destruction that gay marriage provides, look to Norway, Denmark and Sweden, whose leaders embraced "de facto" marriage between homosexuals in the nineties. In Norway 80% of first born children are conceived out of wedlock, as are 60% of subsequent births. This is evidence that gay marriage leads to the destruction of the traditional marriage.

The legalization of gay marriage leads to polygamy and other alternatives to one-man/one-woman unions. In Utah, polygamist Tom Green, who claims five wives is appealing a judgment against him. The ACLU of Utah has actually suggested that the state will "have to step up to prove that a polygamous relationship is detrimental to society"

Legalizing gay marriage will be harmful to children. Homosexuals are rarely monogamous , often having as many as three hundred or more partners in a lifetime. Children like things to stay just the way they are, and they hate change. Some have been known to eat the same brand of peanut butter throughout childhood. Public schools in every state will be required to teach this perversion as the moral equivalent to traditional marriage, thus continuing to confuse and hurt the defenseless, children.

These are but a few of the problems with the protection of gay marriage. I encourage you to read this book and to go in depth into the issue of protecting traditional marriage. Help protect America from sliding into the state of Sodom and Gomorrah.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:59 AM

    "In Norway 80% of first born children are conceived out of wedlock, as are 60% of subsequent births. This is evidence that gay marriage leads to the destruction of the traditional marriage."

    Huh? Forgive my ignornace, but HOW are children born out of wedlock evidence that gay marriage is destructive? I always thought that it was straight people having sex before marriage that produced such offspring. Gay people cannot reproduce so how are their conceived children destroying marriage and if gay marriage WERE legal AND gay people could have children together biologically, wouldn't it make sense to legalize gay marriage in order to promote that children of gay couples are not born out of wedlock? Just a thought.

    "Legalizing gay marriage will be harmful to children. Homosexuals are rarely monogamous , often having as many as three hundred or more partners in a lifetime." I know a lot of gay people and few of them have had no more than 2 partners. I also know plenty of straight married christians who have had over 10 partners in a lifetime so that seems to be a bit of a hypocrisy. Straight AND Gay people alike are all sexual beings and are prone to having no sex to some sex to alot of sex regardless of their sex and sexual preference.

    "Some have been known to eat the same brand of peanut butter throughout childhood." I like peanut butter, but I buy what is on sale.

    "Public schools in every state will be required to teach this perversion as the moral equivalent to traditional marriage, thus continuing to confuse and hurt the defenseless, children." Don't forget the dysfunction of the traditional marriage/family where physical abuse, verbal abuse, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, sexual molestation, and neglect occurs and silence is upheld and the the poor defeseless child is taught to "keep on praying," and schools look the other way and continue to NOT address that which IS occuring in our culture today.

    "Derogatory words by illiterate people have never caused me concern, because you demonstrate your motives with what you say." As do you my brother in Christ, as do you. Your heart is hard towards those who differ from you and you carry with you not the compassion of Christ but the sin of judgement. May God have mercy on your soul.
