Saturday, August 27, 2005

Farragut High School Football

Last night I attended the season opening high school football game for the Farragut High Shool Admirals. I have attended virtually every home football game and most away games for the past three to four years. I even attended all 4 quarters of the "hurricane thursday game" last year. It never stopped raining.

Last evening was a stuggle for both the Central High Bobcats and the Admirals, until a break or two went Central's way. With about 7 minutes remaining in the fourth quarter there was a mass exodus for the gates.

This is troubling for me, on a couple of fronts. One, these are 15 - 18 or 19 year old kids giving it all the have and are not getting paid for it. Second, the coaches are giving it everything they can, they work untold hours for a minimal stipend that the Knox County School Board threatend to take away this year. Third, Coach Eddie Courtney is giving all he has and more. You have read that he is battling a form of cancer and he is having extensive radiation treatment. (He doesn't want symphathy, he knows God has a plan, and he has endured far greater than any of us could or would) The parents of these student athletes are giving it everything they have. So, they get no support from the administration and the school board. The only support they get is from those of us in the community.

I realize we all have busy schedules and those with younger children have to get home and put them in bed, so an early exit doesn't always indicate frustration with wins or loses.

As a youth coach volunteer, there have been games where I wanted to leave early, but the coaches and student athletes can't leave early.

Coach Courtney and Admirals, We appreciate you. GO Admirals!!!!

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