Sunday, August 14, 2005

KC Democrat Chairman explains his work schedule

On August 12, 2005 at 10:50 am Knox County Democrat Party Chairman and employee of Democrat Knox County Clerk Mike Padgett emailed a response to me about a blog post; I have been questioned by a couple of sources that were inquiring about his work schedule. I was unaware what Jim Gray did for a living or where he was employed before that time.

I could care less about Jimmy's work schedule, however, he responded and here is the quote from his email.

"1) our public access computer labs are open for 116 hours per week; I spend 40 of those hours (of my own choosing) at the labs, and 2) there is a common practice of someone taking a personal day off; Knox County employees are allowed such days."

I appreciate Jim responding to my blog, as the popularity of my blog continues to increase daily. A couple of questions that came into my mind when reading his email are;

I wonder how many Sheriff's deputies, librarians, park employees, teachers, employees of the Property Assessor, Register of Deeds, Court Clerk, Trustee, Mayor's office, Election Commission, Jail Officers, Health Department, Public Building Authority get the privilege of selecting their own 40 hours?

Is this for all Knox County employees or only for Jim Gray?

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