Friday, August 26, 2005

Tennessee AG Out Of Touch

Thank You Tennessee Supreme Court! NOT. You appoint Paul Summers as Tennessee Attorney General and he spends his time trying to censor Gretchen Wilson. I had many people tell me that Gretchen was a one hit wonder, with Redneck Woman.

Her debut CD has many hits on it and her second CD will be released on September 27th. Not bad for a supposed one hit wonder.

It is time to tell Attorney General Summers to leave Gretchen alone. The only way she has violated the law that he professes that she may violate is if she and U.S. Smokeless tobacco conspired to write the song. U.S. Smokeless has stated they have NO agreement or contract with her. That should be the end of the story.

Tennessee Attorney General Paul Summers
425 Fifth Avenue, North
Nashville, TN 37243-0485

First we had Tipper Gore censoring rock artist and now Summers attempting to censor country artist.

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