Monday, September 12, 2005

State Representative Bill Dunn Elected To Lead

Bill Dunn Posted by Picasa

State Representative Bill Dunn from Knox County has been selected to led the Tennessee House of Representatives Republican caucus. Representative Dunn has been a great member of the house, sometimes having to muster up the courage to stand alone and when he has had to do that. He has.

Bill will be an exceptional leader. Four more seats on the Republican side of the aisle and he can be House Speaker Dunn.

The Democrats have indicted under house arrest liberal former State Senator John Ford, the anti flag anti pledge Henri Brooks. Indicted Senator Ward Crutcfield, Indicated Senator Katherine Bowers, Indicated former Senator Roscoe Dixon.

Dunn will be a uniter, not a divider for the Republican House members. Update: Here is the story from Channel 5 in Nashville

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