Friday, September 30, 2005

Timeline of Ronnie Earle's Witchhunt

Here is the Timeline of Ronnie Earle's Three-Year "Investigation"

2000 - Texas legislature begins redistricting after the U.S. Census

2002 - Democrats in the state legislature defeat redistricting map to hold on to key Democrat incumbents.

Texans for a Republican Majority (TRMPAC) is founded. Delay serves on advisory board along with four other Texas elected officials.

In the November elections, Republicans win a majority in the state legislature.

Earle immediately begins investigating TRMPAC.

2003 - The Republican legislature takes on their constitutionally mandated duty to reapportion the districts for the U.S. House of Representatives with the new U.S. Census numbers.

2004 - Republicans take control of the Texas delegation in the U.S. House of Representatives for the first time in history.

Earle empanels Grand Jury after Grand Jury after Grand Jury.

2005 -

May 12

Ronnie Earle keynotes a Democrat fundraiser to take back the state legislature and personally attacks Delay in his prepared speech.

September 9th

Earle admits in an Austin American-Statesman article that he does not have jurisdiction on the case and that Delay is not a target of the investigation.

September 11th

Austin American-Statesman prints an editorial slamming Earle for wrapping up the investigation without "indicating" individuals.

September 28th

Earle caves under the pressure, invents new evidence to get around jurisdictional disputes and produces a frivolous indictment of Tom Delay tahtb will not hold up in court --- thereby forcing Delay to temporarily step down for his Leadership position.

This Timeline along with other facts of the case can be found at Tom Delay's website.

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