Tuesday, September 27, 2005

UT Wins In Spite Of The Naysayers

On Monday I was traveling back from a days work in North Georgia listening to Sports Talk Radio on the Sports Animal FM 99.1, FM 99.3 and Am 990. Also the Vol Network pre-game call-in show. Oh, how everybody said it couldn't be done, how Randy Sanders and Phillip Fulmer are too predictable. Pat Ryan said(I never understood what makes Pat an expert) they have to stay with Ainge.

Well, even as the second half started I believed that it could be done and Rick Clausen proved that it could be done. I also believe that Pat Ryan is wrong a two quarterback system can work. If Phillip Fulmer and Randy Sanders had listened to Pat Ryan Tennessee would have lost 48-7.

What you have to understand is that if things are not going for you in the first half, you must adjust in the second half or become a failure. That is true in every aspect of your life. You must make adjustments to win the ultimate prize or cross the finish line victorious.

I am sure all the naysayers will be back on the Sports Animal this morning, praising Coach Fulmer and Sanders, that's just part of the profession called coaching but especially true of coaching in the Orange Nation.

Ultimately for me this was sweeter than the Miracle at South Bend. Because they took the crowd of 91000 plus in tiger stadium and rendered them speechless and,the quickest exodus out of a football stadium that I have ever seen.

Coach Miles, Welcome to the SEC.

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