Sunday, October 09, 2005

City Council Candidate Update - Hubert Smith Has Breaking News

According to sources that were listening to the Hubert Smith Radio Program today. The Hubert Smith Radio Program airs every Sunday at 4:00pm on AM 850 WKVL and is simulcast all over East Tennessee on a half dozen other stations.

Hubert Smith broke the NEWS, Charles "Buddy" Mulkey of write-in candidate success has dropped from the race to defeat Joe Hultquist and is backing Julia Tucker, well known Knoxvillian and the first female Knoxville City School Board Chair.

According to my sources Hubert had both Mulkey and Tucker on his show and Mulkey announced that he has decided to support Tucker.

I was unable to listen to the Hubert Smith radio Show this afternoon, I was attending some sessions of ImagiNations the annual Missions Conference at my home church of First Baptist, Concord.

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