Thursday, October 20, 2005

David Parker of Lexington, Mass

On ABC Nightly News last night was a report that David Parker of Lexington, Mass. would appear in court today over a trespassing charge.

The story is that Parker's son a kindergarten student at Estabrook Elementary School came home from school with a "diversity backpack" contained in the backpack was the book "Who's In a Family" that chronicles families that are comprised of multi-race, single parents but to his disappointment same sex marriage partners.

Mr. Parker went to the school with the request that before this type of message is delivered to his son in the future that he and his wife first be notified. The meeting did not go well, with the school officials digging their heels in. Ultimately the school district had him charged with trespassing. The community has been split between supporting Parker or supporting "diversity".

Parker said. "My wife and I have religious beliefs that say to us it's a sin."

Where is the school districts tolerance of diverse opinions when they charge someone with having a difference of opinion with their position?

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