Monday, October 24, 2005

Early Voting Began Today in Texas on Prop.2

Today, Early Voting began in the State of Texas for Prop.2, the constitutional marriage amendment. This same type of one man, one woman marriage amendment should be on the ballot in Tennessee in 2006.

Visit the website Texans For Marriage and support the movement to protect the traditional marriage.

One Man - One Woman.

How will same-sex marriage hurt children?
Same-sex marriage will inevitably lead to same-sex families, which intentionally deny children either a mother or a father.

The same-sex marriage debate isn’t merely an academic question. Its outcome will have real consequences on real people. Our first duty is to protect those who cannot protect themselves. A loving and compassionate society will always come to the aid of motherless and fatherless families, but a loving and compassionate society will never deliberately create them.

Same-sex couples intentionally deny children either a mother or a father, and children need both to develop into healthy adults. Males and females parent differently, and these differences are essential in helping a child grow into a healthy adult. A father’s love is very different from a mother’s love, and no same-sex couple could ever provide both.

Gender differences are real, and children need more than a pair of unisex bodies to grow into healthy adulthood. An analysis of over 100 studies on parent-child relationships found that having a loving and nurturing father is just as important for a child’s happiness, social development, academic success and general well-being as having a loving and nurturing mother.

Fathers help their children feel secure, grow in confidence, and develop a healthy curiosity of the world around them. They increase children’s academic readiness and performance, contribute to strong cognitive, motor and verbal development, help kids make wise choices and curb violence in boys.

Mothers provide warm, nurturing care for children, assuring them that they are loved. They have a natural connection to children that develops in the womb. Mothers stress equity and security and help children develop an understanding of risks and their consequences. Both father-love and mother-love are needed to raise children from infancy to healthy adulthood.

No society, if it truly cares about the common good more than special interests, will ever intentionally place its most innocent members in harm’s way. No loving and compassionate society would intentionally deny children the best possible home, one with both a mom and a dad.

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