Monday, October 17, 2005

School Governance in Hamilton County Gets Ugly

Hat Tip to Adam Groves at Simply I for this story fromThe Chattanoogan. It appears that the teachers union in Hamilton County is trying to target a school board member Ms. Rhonda Thurman for comments she made in a bit of haste and frustration.

Many school boards adopt a "Code of Ethics" policy that is requested by the TSBA. The problem with the policy advocated by the TSBA is that it has no teeth and a board member can not defend themselves. Someone lodges a complaint, TSBA doesn't follow-up and it is used for a personal public attack on a board member. Such is the case in Hamilton County.

Mrs. Thurman is unable to respond, the remainder of the board remains silent while the HCEA President alleges wrong doing.

Interesting that this comes from Hamilton County where Charles Love former school board member and colleague of Ms. Thurman has plead guilty in the Tennessee Waltz investigation and the former Hamilton County school board attorney State Senator Ward Crutchfield is under indictment in the Tennessee Waltz investigation.

The children of Hamilton County deserve better than personal political attacks.

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