Monday, November 28, 2005

Governor Bredesen - What an example

Here is the craziest from my recent trip. We are traveling back into the Great State of Tennessee and cross in Chattanooga about 12:00 noon on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. (Yes, I wasn't in church, but watched the replay here, this evening) It has been reported that nationwide it is estimated that 31 million people were traveling across the nation today.

As I approach Chattanooga, there is the infamous Tennessee Welcome Center with orange barrels (you know Knoxville interstate barrels) with a white sign and black letters WELCOME CENTER CLOSED.

So, this is the hospitality that the Governor extends to individuals visting or passing through our state on the busiest travel day of the year. Wow, I am impressed Phillip.


Do you remember when the liberal whackos like Senator Cohen of Memphis were selling the citizens of our state a bill of goods with the lottery. It was because we were sending all of our money to Georgia, so lets keep it here.

Well, Georgia has made up for it.

As I passed through every mile of the State of Georgia via I-75 North. You would come upon one state tropper patrol car unmarked or marked with his radar gun in hand and then travel three or four miles and there would be four or five highway patrol cars and even county sheriff patrol cars and they were pulling over the tourist driving to fast and collecting the revenue they lost when Tennessee started the lottery. I am proud to say and will also knock on wood that my vehicle was not pulled over.

The Bredesen plan next year is to close all the Welcome Centers and then collect off of speeders.

At least Georgia said Howdy and gave you a road map .

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