Sunday, November 13, 2005

Governor Phillip Bredesen - Corrupt TN Government

I have been making the case that the Governor known as Bredesen with the wife known as Conte, must be held accountable for the actions of his party members that are under indictment. As Governor he is the leader for his party.

He must answer for shredding sexual harassment documents in his office, He must answer for not fixing TN Care the first year but waiting three years to kick all these people off. He must answer for his Deputy Governor driving recklessly across the state. He must answer for the graduation rates slipping while he and his education secretary Lana Seviers have been in charge. .

And now this from the Tennessean this morning. If you do not kowtow to the old order and you work in the Bredesen administration, you will be dealt with. You can be the best employee, but if you don't kowtow to Bredesen, you will be overlooked and demoted. Is this Tennessee values or is this the old Ray Blanton values? You decide. And then Vote Republican.

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