Tuesday, November 08, 2005

My Prayers are in Campbell County, Tonight and Election Results

My Prayers are with the families of the victims of the Campbell County School Shootings this afternoon, My prayers are with the young man and his family. To my friends that serve on the Campbell County School Board, I am praying for you. I will post on this issue tomorrow.

Well, I am calling it a day. I hope that the Governor results continue to roll in for Kilgore in Virginia, However, it appears in early results that the ultra liberal Tim Kaine won. I will post about Clintonlike Kaine and how he was outraged that the Republican Governors Association played his Southern Virginia advertisements to Northern Virginians.

Early returns is that the Lt. Governor will be Republican Bolling and Attorney General will be Republican McDonnell. Jerry Kilgore is a good man, there is no demand for good people in public service, I guess.

In New Jersey, the liberal political bosses candidate Jon Corzine was elected in New Jersey. There were 8 independent party candidates running. Doug Forrester is a good man, as well. He was too good for New Jersey.

WE WON IN TEXAS! Thanks Governor Perry!

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