Sunday, November 06, 2005

New Jersey Governor race

The best the democrats led by "The Screamer" can offer the citizens of New Jersey is a tired old liberal that is currently the Senior United States Senator from New Jersey Jon Corzine. He is so out of touch with everyday citizens and every day life. Look at the gaffes he produced in the last debate, just yesterday.


CorzineÂ’s Final Debate Performance: 2 Major gaffes
StateÂ’s Senior Senator DoesnÂ’t Know NJÂ’s Legal Drinking Age

(New York, NY) Jon Corzine broke the first rule of political debates – makgaffesgaffs – Saturday night when he revealed at the WNBC Gabe Pressman debate that he does not know the legal drinking age in New Jersey. When informed that the legal age is twenty-one, a stammering Corzine immediately embarked on a campaign to legalize drinking for teenagers – a policy that would endanger thousands of lives and cost the state billions in transportation funding.

CorzineÂ’s colleague, Sen. Frank Lautenberg, protected the nation from this kind of shabby thinking by assuring that no state with legalized drinking for teenagers can receive federal road and highway funding.

In his second major gaff, Corzine flailed about Gov. ChristieÂ’s WhitmanÂ’s pension bond plan, apparently unaware Doug Forrester stood up to members of his own party, in opposition to that funding proposal.

He also failed to reveal that, with Corzine at its helm as CEO, Goldman-Sachs obtained a $3 million dollar no-bid contract to underwrite the deal that earned them $3 million in fees.

It doesn't surprise me that liberal democrats are out of touch, that is why they are the minority party. Clean up Trenton, Elect Doug Forrester, Governor of New Jersey.

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