Tuesday, November 08, 2005

The Next Governor of Virginia

Go to Jerry Kilgore's website, located here. There is a video clip of the appearance of the President and First Lady, as they attended an election eve rally on behalf of the next Governor of Virginia, Jerry Kilgore.

Voting began 2.5 hours ago and polls close at 7:00 p.m. this evening. Jerry Kilgore is from Gate City, VA (just across the state line. He values hard work, Giving your word and keeping it. As Governor he will Fully Fund Education, Oppose Higher Taxes, Will hold the Government more accountable, he will use surplus dollars to get road projects moving again - not fall back on more taxes.

Jerry has had the Best television commercials this election season. The ads featuring his daughter and son and his twin brother Terry Kilgore, a delegate in the Virginia House have shown a human side to Kilgore and his family.

At the same time the candidate that the liberals and the party led by "The Screamer" have fielded Tim Kaine. Kaine will say he is pro-death penalty, however, his record of protesting and even vigorously opposing the death penalty speaks volumes to his lack of conviction and beliefs. The liberal candidate hasn't found a tax increase he didn't like.

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