Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Vice President Cheney's Visit

I posted a brief post on the KnoxGOP blog about the Vice President's visit. As I continue to re-iterate Brian's Blog is my personal blog. I began this blog in August 2004. I became Knox County Republican Party Chairman in March 2005. The views expressed here are my own. I will continue this blog long after a two or four year stint as party chairman.

As for the visit by the Vice President, I was sitting in the fourth row directly in front of the podium. I was sitting behind Knox County School teachers, and beside State Representative Stacy Campfield. Prior to the event I had the pleasure of talking with several individuals David Head, Josh Parker Campbell County Republican Party Chairman, after the event I was pleased to talk with both of our mayors. County Mayor Mike Ragsdale and Knoxville Mayor Bill Haslam and his lovely wife, Former Governor Don Sundquist and others.

This event is a rear view mirror shot on the legacy and leadership of United States Senator Howard H. Baker, Jr. and the celebration of the construction of the Howard H. Baker, Jr. Center for Public Policy that will be built at the intersection of Cumberland Avenue and Melrose Place.

Unfortunately, several individuals that were not born during the public life of U.S. Senator Howard Baker, Jr. decided that in their selfish zeal to steal the attention away from a true statesman and put the attention on themselves. They used the war as a means to bring attention to themselves, true Blue State residents and John Kerrey and the screamer followers.

They wanted the attention and in typical Howard Baker fashion he was the bigger and better man, declaring that in this day and age, people have a right to have their say, and they will exercise it.

In my analysis, Gone is the day of respect our your elders, gone is the respect for a man and family that have given to this state and to our University, gone is the respect for a man that gave of himself for nearly 2/3rds of his life.

On another note, I did not understand why our local television stations did not break away from Ellen, The Price is Right and The View to carry the live remarks of the Vice President, but then again, that would have given the selfish ones a greater audience. Maybe the stations, got this one right.

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