Sunday, January 01, 2006

Jesus Freaks - dc Talk and The Voice of the Martyrs – stories of those who stood for JESUS: the ultimate Jesus Freaks.

Good New Years Morning 2006, it is 12:00 noon. During New Years Eve 2005 and the first half of New Years Day 2006. I have read the 1999 book Jesus Freaks. My teenage son has had this book since it was released. At the time he had become a dc Talk fan and currently is a Toby Mac fan. I located a perfect copy of this book at McKay’s Used Books, Tapes and CD’s for .75.

It is a remarkable and fast read. It details many stories of individuals that have stood for Christ and have been tortured and killed. Having been born and raised here in America, with the freedom to worship Christ (with the exception of praying in schools) it is hard to imagine the persecution that individuals have gone through to share the love of Christ.

At the time of the publishing of this book there is a law on the books in Pakistan. Law 295C (blaspheming Mohammed) – a crime punishable by death.

There is now a link to The Voice of the Martyrs website in the link section. Check out this informative website about the persecuted Church.

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