Thursday, January 26, 2006

Way To Go! Senator Robert Byrd - A Profile In Courage

Reported this afternoon at 3:00 p.m. on Fox News, U.S. Senator Robert Byrd of West Virginia has committed to voting FOR Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito. I have never said a kind word about the "pork barrel senator" however, I may have to re think that position.

Way to go Senator Byrd! You are NOT the rubber stamp of Senator Reid and the party of Howard Dean and The Liberal Extremist Deaniac's.

Could it be that the party of Robert Byrd has left Senator Byrd? Hard to imagine, but that could be the case. With this photo. Is he saying Go Away, Senator Reid?

1 comment:

  1. Might want to consider contrary to his rhetoric, his profile in courage is based on his testing the direction of the wind with the realization that he is up for re-election this year in a Republican leaning state. He did vote against Chief Justice Roberts.
