Tuesday, January 31, 2006

West Knox County Schools Overcrowded and NOT Getting "THE" Needed Relief

In my earlier post, found here. I have had some additional thoughts. This plan is just plain wrong for the citizens of the community and for the children, to add classrooms on existing overburdened buildings. There are cafeterias, gymnasiums, music rooms, libraries in these schools and all of this space was built to accommodate the number of children already enrolled there and to implement a plan that continues to increase an existing overtaxed core capacity with more students is just wrong. To build classrooms that will be at or over capacity when you open them, is just wrong.

I will continue to post on this issue as public education is important to me. I am a product of Knox County's public education. I have three children that have and continue to be enrolled in Knox County's public school system. I have invested sweat equity as a volunteer within my kids schools, I have been honored by the TN. PTA two consecutive years as a leader for my role in leading a community of volunteers at A.L. Lotts Elementary School.

I have had the opportunity to send my children to private and/or religious institutions, however, I have decided to walk the talk, that is not to cut and run for one year or twelve years, but to stick it out with public education. I explain this, so that you understand my passion.

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