Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Bredesen Again, Again and Again

This from today's Knoxville News-Sentinel, the complete story here(Free Registration Required).

Gov. Phil Bredesen's campaign announced Monday it will return $22,300 in contributions given since 2001 by individuals caught up in a sweeping probe into public corruption in Cocke County.

This begs the question, is the Governor only giving the money back on Tuesday, because there was a huge front page story in the Knoxville News-Sentinel on Sunday, two days ago. He has now gone 96 days (today) without giving the money back from the troopers campaign. That story here.

This also begs the question, why is NO Republican with name recognition running against this Governor, he has more twist and turns then any Governor in the states history.

TennCare,Knoxville News-Sentinel 2/7/2005
Senator John Ford Tennessean 5/12/2005
Bredesen lobbyist accused of harassment.
Bredesen awards lucrative contracts without the appropriate awarding process Tennessean 5/5/2005
Tn School Systems get "failing" mark Knoxville News-Sentinel 11/26/2004
Shredding Sexual harassment documents in the Governors Office. Tennessean 7/22/2005
Closing harassment Files. Tennessean 7/19/2005
Deputy Governor Speeding and Reckless Driving.
TN High School Drop-out rates inflated Times-News 7/14/2005
Tennessee unemployment rises despite report of job growth Tennessean 7/29/2005
State Lottery Officials, leaving or getting fired without an explanation to the public.
TN Waltz.
All indicted members of the legislature with the exception of one is a democrat, Bredesen's party.
Operation Rose Thorn. Knoxville News-Sentinel 2/19/2006

The last question that begs to be asked. With apologies to Senator Howard Baker, Jr. What did the Governor know and when did he know it.

The list continues to grow, I will begin a list to the side of the blog entitled Bredesen's Closet, detailing all the skeleton's. It is a big walk in closet, that's all I am saying.


  1. You forgot the time he signed into law that school buses could go past their life of 15 years. This was one month after that 15 year old bus with bad brakes broke both my son's legs and jaw!

  2. point well made. I will ad it to the list.
