Friday, February 03, 2006

Lee Atwater 1951-1991

“Long before I was struck with cancer, I felt something stirring in American society. It was a sense among the people of the country—Republicans and Democrats alike—that something was missing from their lives, something crucial. I was trying to position the Republican Party to take advantage of it. But I wasn't exactly sure what ‘it’ was.

My illness helped me to see that what was missing in society was what was missing in me: a little heart, a lot of brotherhood.... Love each other a little more, care about each other, and get away from that [dirty, negative] kind of politics.”


  1. Lee Atwater was a great American whose contributions to our country I do not believe that he lived to see fully bear fruit.

  2. Dave, You are correct in my opinion. He had no idea how much he inspired so many young guys and gals, unfortunately his disease took him to early. I have recently purchased the out of print book. Bad Boy The Life and Times of Lee Atwater. I will be reading it soon.
