Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Bredesen Could Be Out Of Campaign Cash Soon

This from KnoxNews website (free registration required). Bredesen is returning another contribution, previously given to his campaign. If he continues giving back campaign contributions to all "his friends" he is either 1) acknowleding that he has a real lack of judgement in character, because his contributers keep getting in trouble or 2) Bredesen is a new form of a bank, unregulated, I might add. You deposit $300 or more to the Bredesn campaign in 2002 and you get to withdraw it in 2006. No interest earned tough. If Bredesen is earning interest on his campaign account, shouldn't he return the interest earned because he was able to multiply his cash on dollars that he admits were dirty.

Remember in 2004, when the Democrats were screaming that the Gregory money was dirty money, but their man (Bredesen, the one that his wife doesn't like his last name) was holding thousands of dollars in dirty money for 2 years before and 2 years after.

Democrats are so hypocritical and such ________________. Fill in the blank.


  1. Interesting post, but I'm intrigued at your oblique inclusion of "his wife doesn't like his last name."

    As someone who is married to a woman who chose not to replace her birth name, I might suggest that Ms. Conte does like her own name. She might think "Bredesen" a beautiful name, but it's just not hers.

    Your aside was unexpected, that's all. I typically see good commentary on this site, and I'm hoping that this isn't some kind of indicator that you believe that "husbands own wives" or something crazy.

    But then, there is your previous post about South Dakota, so maybe that is your stance.. That would be disappointing.

  2. August,

    Great to hear from you. Thank you for the compliment about great commentary in the past.

    I am very conservative, as I hope you were able to detect before the S.D. Governor post.

    I am not offended of the likes of Andrea Conte or others that like their own names. It is confusing when a couple decide to have children.

    Being a conservative, I am "old school" in the way that when you marry you leave father and mother and become one flesh. A 21st century kind of thing could be for the man to take the woman's name. Nothing wrong with that, is there?

    I am and continue to be happily married to the same wonderful lady since 1988. I do not believe that a man owns a woman or that a woman owns a man. Hopefully that was settled with the Emancipation Proclamation in January of 1863 and the ratified 19th Ammendment (Women's Right To Vote) on August 18, 1920.

    I just think that if your political like Phillip and Andrea are. She should have taken the Bredesen name. But, with the friends Phillip bankrolled his campaign with in 2002. Ms. Conte may be on the right track and with the news he has made in his 4 years as Governor, I don't blame her for wanting her own identity.

    The issue of the S.D. Governor is ending the wholesale slaughter of an entire generation. I hope you would concur that is wrong. They (the unborn) are voiceless, when they are murdered.

  3. Brian;
    Like you, I am from the old school, I not only read my Bible, but I believe in what it says.

    We really should be taking advantage of Bredesen's problems here...we need a solution and an opponent and we need those things in a hurry. What can we do?
