Thursday, March 02, 2006

State Representative Parkey Strader's Legislative Round-up

UPDATE: Here are the remaining bills that Parkey has introduced, since my intial post. This is a round-up of bills that my friend and our 14th District Republican State Representative Park M. "Parkey" Strader has introduced for this legislative session.

HB 2909 by Strader / SB 3247 by Burchett

Drugs - Creates Class D felony offense of producing or distributing a material intended for human consumption that contains a hallucinogenic plant and the Class E felony of possessing a material intended for human consumption that contains a hallucinogenic plant. Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17, Part 4.

HB 3127 by Strader / SB 2741 by Burchett

Sexual Offenses - Creates a minimum sentence of 10 years in prison without the possibility of parole for a sexual offense committed against a child under 13 where not already provided by law. - Amends TCA Title 39

HB 3128 by Strader / SB 2599 by Burchett

Eminent Domain - Requires eminent domain to be used only for public purposes and not for econonmic development. - Amends TCA Title 12 and Title 29

HB 3129 by Strader / SB 2744 by Burchett

Criminal Offenses - Abolishes statute of limitations for sex offenses. - Amends TCA Title 39 and Title 40.

HB 3130 by Strader / SB 2601 by Burchett

Sexual Offenders - Provides that sexual offenders and violent sexual offenders are prohibited from residing or working within 1,000 feet of a park, playground, recreation center or athletic field. - Amends TCA Title 40, Chapter 39, Part 2

HB 3626 by Strader / SB 3748 by Burchett

Gas, Petroleum Products, Volatile Oils - Requires all state entities with state owned motor vehicle fleets of more than 10 motor vehicles to develop and implement plans to improve state's use of alternative fuels and efficient vehicles and report to comptroller by September 1, 2006, and annually thereafter; and requires comptroller to compile plans and report to the general assembly by November 1, 2006, and annually thereafter. - Amends TCA Title 12, Chapter 3.

HB 3627 by Strader / SB 3747 by Burchett

Alcoholic Offenses - Creates Class B misdemeanor for persons selling alcoholic beverages or beer without requiring the purchaser to show identification and proof of age. - Amends TCA Title 57, Chapter 3, Part 4; Title 57, Chapter 4, Part 2 and Title 57, Chapter 5, Part 3.

HB 3628 by Strader / SB 3746 by Burchett

Sexual Offenders - Requires persons convicted of violent sexual offenses to undergo MPA drug therapy (chemical castration) as part of their community supervision for life unless medically or psychologically prevented from receiving such treatment. - Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 13, Part 5.

HB 3629 by Strader / SB 3744 by Burchett

Sexual Offenders - Requires resident sexual offenders and violent sexual offenders to obtain and carry driver license or photo identificationcard and requires department of safety to design such license or card in such a manner that allows law enforcement officers to ascertain if the person is a sexual offender. - Amends TCA Title 40, Chapter 39, Part 2 and Title 55, Chapter 50.

HB 2760 by Strader / SB 2722 by Woodson

Local Education Agency - Requires any person or employee of such person who contracts or subcontracts with a board of education or child care program and who comes into contact with school children or enters the grounds of a school or child care program when cildren are present to supply fingerprint sample and submit to criminal history records check and creates Class A fine only misdemeanor offense for violation. - Amends TCA Section 49-5-413.

HB 2761 by Strader / SB 2748 by Burchett

DUI/DWI Offenses - Restores the mandatory 48 hour imprisonment punishment for all persons convicted of first offense DUI and removes the mandatory 24-hour litter removal punishment established by Chapter 504 of the Public Acts of 2004. Amends TCA Section 55-10-403 and Chapter 505 of the Public Acts of 2005.

HB 2762 by Strader / SB 2749 by Burchett

Guardianship - Gives priority in appointment of conservator of a disabled person to the closest relative willing to continue artificial nutrition and hydration; prevents surrogate decisionmaker from withdrawing artificial nutrition or hydration if a relative is available to assume conservatorship. - Amends TCA Title 34 and Title 68, Chapter 11.

HB 2763 by Strader, Brooks (Knox)/ SB 2763 by Woodson, Burchett

Adoption - Requires grandparents of a child to be given the same rights as legal guardians in adoption proceedings; requires termination of teh guardianship rights of a grandparent before the child can be adopted by any other person; gives a grandparent priority in adoption over everyone other than a parent, legal guardian or putative father of a child - Amends TCA Title 36, Chapter1.

HB 2764 by Strader, Brook (Knox) / SB 2746 by Burchett

Sexual Offenses - Makes ineligible for parole persons who commit aggravated sexual battery against a person under 13. Amends TCA Title 39.

HB 2765 by Strader, Brooks (Knox) / SB 2747 by Burchett

Drugs - Makes ineligible for parole persons who are convicted of making meth or operating meth labs in the presence of children under 18. Amends TCA Title 39, Chapter 17.

Contact Parkey in Nashville at or call 1-800-449-TENN (8366) and then enter Ext. # 12264

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