Wednesday, April 26, 2006

This is funny.....

Two presstalk call in's from the new Farragut Press (4-27-06)and can be located here. They are

• I want to make this perfectly clear: a vote for John Griess is a vote for Brian Hornback. Support your write-in candidate.

• [Knox County Commission-er] John Griess has been determined by the Tennessee Supreme Court to be ineligible as a candidate for the District 5 seat [includes all similar incumbents having served two consecutive terms]. He cannot serve. If you vote for him, your vote is an unknown vote. The worst-case scenario would be someone that we don’t want as our candidate or as our representative, like Brian Hornback. If you’re not sure, select a write-in candidate. Do a little research, and pick someone that’ll represent Farragut.

In the TN Supreme Court's unanimous decision, there were no comments about Knox County or specifically, John Griess. So, the comment John Griess has been determined by the Tennessee Supreme Court to be ineligible as a candidate for the District 5 seat. is inaccurate. This person really should do some research and read the TN Supreme Court decision Bailey -v- Shelby in order to be accurate.

I find this conspiracy stuff funny. I find it sad that a few individuals are so consumed with paranoia and conspiracy theories that they would spread such rumor and gossip anonymously. I know who these people are. I just wish them the self confidence to be able to stop hiding in an anonymous phone in system and/or anonymous blogs. Come on out into the sunlight. That dark room of being anonymous that you are living in, isn't good for you. Take a deep breathe, gain some self confidence in yourself and come on out.

I am just thankful that the Farragut Press staff spells the name Brian Hornback correctly.

Have a Nice Day.


  1. Where did these people come from?

  2. Dave,

    Like I said at least my friends on the Farragut Press staff know how to correctly spell the name, "the brand, Brian Hornback".

    The more times these people say it is the more times I earn "free media"

    So, I thank them.

    Dave, have you voted, yet?

  3. Mr. Hornback,
    The confusion surrounding these elections is such that wild speculation run rampant. In the Army we called them "XXXXhouse" rumors and great effort was made at squelching them. Some of them were pretty wild - the Army was covertly sending volunteers to Angola (this during early 1976) is one that I remember and there were plenty others. It's just human I guess to try to fill in the blanks.
    As for you picking the candidates, well you're seen a political power player and that's the way it goes. Keep in mind that the appearance of power is, itself, power.


  4. Brian;
    As is my custom, I also voted early. I cast my votes on day three of early voting. I really like early voting because it makes the ballot more accessible to me.

    Yes, Brian is a keen political operative. If there is one thing I have learned over the years, it is that whether you are running, active in party politics, or a concerned citizen volunteer, you really HAVE to be a smooth operator.

    Brian's power is of a different sort-it comes merely from the fact that he is Chairman of Knox County's largest political party. Were I in his position, I am sure the rumor mill would be spinning about me also.

    Finally, I want my critics to note something: Brian can't openly support one side or the other in the County Mayor's race-but I have strongly suspected from day one that he supports Mike Ragsdale. My support for Steve Hall is now an established fact. Certain anonymous posters to my blog obviously don't like that fact.

    Now, you don't see me jumping down the Chairman's throat for (suspected) support of the other guy, do you? No-this is how good Republicans behave in primaries. Steve Hall is running on anti-tax, eminent domain issues. Legitmate issues. Mayor Ragsdale is running on his record.

    Obviously, I hope my guy pulls off the upset-at the end of the day, I am glad of the fact that at least our next County Mayor will be a Republican.

  5. By the way, Brian-you and I really should have lunch sometime
