Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Write-In's on the Knox County Ballot

UPDATE: This afternoon April 12, 2006 at 1:56 PM, the Knox County Election Commission has updated the information on Jim Andrews and he is running as a Democrat.

The last two days have been a busy time for the Knox County Election Commission. They have been entertaining hoards of people filing a Write-In proclamation.

A couple of interesting ones, Kelvin Moxley has filed as a Republican candidate for County Clerk, Jim Andrews has filed for Chancellor Div.III, this is the position that Knox County's Republican Law Director Mike Moyers is running for. Interestingly, Mr. Andrews has failed (in the records of the Knox County Election Commission) to indicate if he is running as a Demo or as a Republican.

I am assuming that this is the same Jim Andrews that ran as the Democrat nominee for Sheriff in 2002 and while at "his victory party" at a west Knoxville establishment, he began to blame the media for not covering the many allegations against the Sheriff, who by the way was re-elected that evening overwhelmingly. It was presumed by many spectators in attendance and watching via the television that with his launch he wasn't drinking the Phil Keith adult beverage of choice.

So, if Andrews wants to run as a Demo again, that is wonderful, however when the returns come in, the television stations may want to wait until the next morning.


  1. Exactly, not even close in the make believe world of Andrews and Harmon. 51% - 50% or 50% - 49% would be close 51 - 47 not even close, overwhelmingly re-elected.

  2. Mr. Hornback,
    I have to disagree - 51 - 47 is pretty close, both round off to fifty. Hardly "overwhelming"; 70 -30 is overwhelming. Clinton's election over Dole was overwhelming. 51 - 47? No ... not unless you have an iron in the fire.


  3. Steve,

    I understand where you and S.Carpenter are coming from, however, you are not using the industry standard. 51 - 47 is unquestionable and is without dispute a butt whipping, Andrews and his campaign manager Harmon are in fantasy land that it was close.

  4. Mr. Hornback,
    What is the industry standard and where can I look it up? Thanks!


  5. The industry standard is from 24 years of local Republican grassroots experience, far more experience than the liberal deaniacs have.

  6. Steve if you believe 51-47 is pretty close, where does it break from pretty close to convincing and then to overwhelming. Is a convincing win 51.5 - 46.5 and what is your defintion of overwhelming. 52 - 46?

  7. Mr. Hornback,
    That's why I asking what the "Industry Standard" was and where I could look it up and read about such things: "squeeker", "close", "overwhelming", "landslide" and so on. What, it a quantitative sense defines those terms, or whatever the precise terms are. Thank you for letting me know that they are loosely defined at best, spin defined at worst. I quess it just depends on where you are: looser - "close", winner - "overwhelming." I won't worry about it any more.

