Monday, May 29, 2006

Farragut High School Science Labs

From previous post on Brian's Blog, I have written about the Knox County School Board's reaction to County Mayor Mike Ragsdale's proposed budget and his proposed pro active approach to correcting the un-healthy and un-safe science labs at Farragut High School.

School Board Member Robert Bratton has said that No board member knew that Farragut was in need and that other schools were in greater need. Let's examine the time line. The County Mayor gave his budget presentation on Wednesday May 17, 2006. The Thursday May 18, 2006 edition of the Farragut Press had the following cover story. Now with a weekly newspaper that hits the newsstand on Thursday and the internet on Wednesday, the deadline would be Monday or Tuesday, which means that at the latest this story was probably written and photo shot several days before the Mayor's budget address. Which means that many parents, teachers, administrators and Farragut High School supporters were working to obtain this partnership many days, weeks and months in advance of the announcement of May 18, 2006.

On Monday May 22, 2006 several board members including one that lives in the distribution area of The Farragut Press and has a Senior at Farragut High School takes to the sport of beating up on the County Mayor with code words like "unethical", "micro-manger", "line-item controller". It should be of No surprise to any board member that represents any portion of West Knox County, that there is a crisis with the science labs at Farragut High School.

The School Board has a Ethics Policy in their Policy and Procedure Manual. For any board member to criticize without complete knowledge of the conditions at Farragut High School Science Labs and allege "unethical" behavior, they may need to look in the mirror.

Here is the Farragut Press Article, without having to click on the Link.

A $10,000 donation from UT-Battelle will help purchase cordless microscopes, stereoscopes and other equipment as part of a major renovation of Farragut High SchoolÂ’s science lab.

UT-Battelle, which manages the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, has made donations of more than $300,000 to pay for microscopes, cabinets and other science equipment at some 30 schools throughout Tennessee. Playing a key role in coordinating the effort at Farragut High School were Michael Reynolds, principal, John Ayala, science department chairman, and Lee Riedinger, associate lab director for ORNLÂ’s University Partnerships Directorate.

Riedinger, whose two daughters are graduates of Farragut High School, noted UT-Battelle’s commitment to supporting math and science education, saying, “UT-Battelle has made a priority of helping schools refurbish their science labs, and I am pleased that we can do this for Farragut High School.”

Reynolds, Ayala and other Farragut science teachers are working with Riedinger as part of a new science advisory council that has made recommendations to the Knox County Board of Education for upgrades to the science laboratories. “As the manager of one of the world’s premier science laboratories, UT-Battelle is committed to being the leading supporter of science education in East Tennessee.

Since April two thousand, we have donated more than a million dollars to help ensure that our young people have the resources needed to pursue careers in science, math and engineering,” Riedinger said. The $10,000 will be set up in a purchase plan arrangement wherein Farragut High School will purchase needed equsubmitt, submt receipts to UT-Battelle and then be reimbursed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory is managed by UT-Battelle for the Department of Energy.

Brian's Blog wishes to Thank UT-Battelle, Farragut High School Administrators and Science teachers, Farragut High School Supporters, Parents and Volunteers and especially the Knox County Mayor and Knox County Commission for assisting Farragut High School by replacing a dangerous and un-healthy environment for the Farragut students.

Keep in mind, The current Knox County School Board NEVER requested a New West Knox County High School in it's Capital Plan prior to the Mayor proposing it. The current Knox County School Board NEVER requested the upgrade for the dangerous Science labs prior to the Mayor proposing it. Thankfully, we have a County Mayor that recognizes the need to improve the educational settings in our schools. It may have never happened without the County Mayor.

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