Sunday, May 14, 2006

Site Meter Is A Good Thing

I installed site meter in December 2005. I have been blogging since August 2004. I wasn't sure it was something that Brian's Blog really needed, however, I have been impressed with all of the overseas locations, as well as where we are being read from here in the U.S. There is a large contingent in California and Washington. A great group of people in Texas and strong support from the heartland and the eastern seaboard.

The latest weekly report from Site Meter indicates that we are averaging more than 80 hits a day, people are staying longer than ever before, hitting many different page views.

I would recommend Site Meter to everyone.

I do not want to know who is visiting Brian's Blog; On the Site Meter website, I like to view the visitors by world map, by the referrals (that tells me who has the most traffic, Rocky Top Brigade, still rocking and rolling at #1, with no other site in close proximity)and I like to examine the Traffic Prediction. I would have probably given up blogging in December 2005 or January 2006, until I saw how many people read this blog. You are my motivation. Keep coming back and I will be here.

Just this morning, the first 8 hours. Brian's Blog has had visitors from Israel, Bahrain, Washington, mid state of Tennessee, Georgia, Texas, Maryland, Minn., Alabama, New Jersey, eastern Tennessee and Italy. Welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Hornback,
    That's pretty cool! Congrats!

