Saturday, May 06, 2006

Two New Nixon Quotes To The Right ----->

This from an inpromptu speech given to the White House staff on the day that he left office.

"Always give your best, never get discouraged, never be petty; always remember, others may hate you, but those who hate you don't win unless you hate them, and then you destroy yourself." - Richard Nixon - August 9, 1974

This one is just funny. I don't know when it was given.

"I wouldn't bet the farm on it, but I'd bet the main house. I wouldn't even bet the outhouse on Mondale. - Richard M. Nixon


  1. Hornback:

    Do you not find it ironic that the one moment Nixon finally looked into his soul and was honest with himself was the day he lost the only job he ever wanted?

    He was a perplexing human being, deeply flawed and enigmatic. But, by far, he was the most fascinating man to ever occupy the White House.

  2. Mr. Hornback,
    I have to agree with Jake. However, I find quoting President Nixon to be troubling without remembering the most telling quote: "I am not a crook" Unfortunately for America he was. It's like quoting Mao without remembering who Mao was. (Oh, and please DO NOT think I'm equating President Nixon with Mao - I AM NOT!! President Nixon betrayed America at a first principles level and shattered for many Americians their faith in American Government and American politics. We can not and must not forget that when discussing President Nixon and his place in American history.


  3. Jake,

    You can respond to SteveMule, if you wish. I just responded to at least two of his comments, on two seperate post, where SteveMule was responding as if he knew the facts. As usual facts have escaped him.

  4. Mr. Hornback,
    Whatever ...

  5. SteveMule,

    It's simply whatever!

    When you say that Jordan and Tindell will NOT be the Democrats candidate's.

    The Knox County Election Commission which is run by your democrats, certified these candidates and no matter what you and Jim Gray want to do you can not replace them until they are uncertified.

    I am not into pointing fingers and playing a blame game, but, who certified them? Huh? Where are you at, on this Steve?

  6. Mr. Hornback,
    They are term-limited, lawsuits notwithstanding. The lawsuits will be resolved, the will of the People will recognized and they will be removed from the ballot. They are term-limited.
    The candidates will chosen by the KCDP Executive Committee as our by-laws stipulate. The choice for seat 2B will run opposed in August.
    The fact remains you and the Knox GOP missed a golden oppertunity by not encourging write-in votes in the Second District and elsewhere in the county.


  7. SteveMule,

    Will the court decide before June 23. That begins the 40 day window that the KCEC has set precedant in not touching the ballot. The individuals named in the counter suit brought by the KCEC have 30 days with which to respond. The KCEC counter suit was filed on 4/28/06. That means 5/28/06 before the answers are filed. The first week of June before a hearing, we're getting close to 6/23/06.

    All of Knox County understands that the 120 members of the KCDP Executive Committee will make the decision, (that must be the reason Jim Gray is not responding to media request that were made of him for interviews Friday, Saturday and 2 today)I am told by high ranking democrats that there are only 80 of the 120 slots filled at the moment. Are you all going to fill those 40 empty slots, quickly? This small elitest deaniac group will determine your slate, while the Republicans process involve more than 100 people from each of the affected districts.

    Now, our proces is inclusive, while your party's process is smoke filled backroom deal making. It's like the Ford family machine all over.
