Sunday, May 14, 2006

Where's The KnoxDemo Chair?

Over the past several weeks, I have gone on The Voice so many times I have lost count. Last Friday, I was on The Voice three times, on Wildfire twice. I have been in studio one hour and called in two additional weeks to The Hubert Smith Radio Show. I spent one hour last Sunday in studio with my friend George Korda on NewsTalk 100.3, always discussing the term limits issue.

I keep asking on air, where's the KnoxDem, The Voice has finally gotten a response that he can only do early mornings, but still he hasn't appeared. JB of TN Confidential was unsuccessful in acquiring him for his show. He didn't return George Korda's calls.

My Democrat sources inform me that at the Saturday morning Democrat Club meeting. He said, "I am getting a lot of request, but I am working almost exclusively on the Chicken Truman Day Dinner" Many in the crowd told him, "You need to do all the request, you get"

He listens to his grassroots well, he is still not showing up. He was able to attend a 4 hour Chancery Court hearing during his work day, to sue the Sheriff.

Whether you like the answers I give or not, NO ONE can say that I have run and hid from the issue. Whether you personally like me or not, I have not run and hid. I am a firm believer that my 24 years of Republican grassroots experience have come to help me serve the party at such a time as this. I could have been Chairman, many other times in the past, but I am here now For Such A Time As This.

Thanks and God Bless.

This is my personal blog, so if your looking for the exclusive Knox County Republican Party info, it's not here, it is here.


  1. Mr. Hornback,
    Jim Gray doesn't answer to you nor does he need to explain himself you or your "Democrat Sources" which are in fact nothing more than a bunch of embittered old men and women that feel that their positions of prestige and power within the party are threatened by us "Liberal Deaniacs" that enjoy taking the fight right back at you.
    We're figuring out who they are and will deal with them in time.
    You should be glad - the Knox GOP will be getting new members!

    PS Please feel free to let them know.

  2. This is an interesting comment from a "spokesperson" of the party.

    SteveMule speaks with authority and says "We're figuring out who they are and will deal with them in time."

    This coming from the party, that according to Jim Andrews on The Voice said they have already determined who their candidates will be for County Commission without giving the 10 day notice and without notifying the media. This "We're" are the people cutting backroom deals without the 10 day meeting notice and without the reporters to shine the light of truth on their backroom deals.

    The Republicans will give the mandatory notice and will invite the media and public. There's the right way and then there's the local demo way.

  3. I think it is both incredibly stupid politically and not very bright for the Chairman of the Democratic Party to shun media appearances.

    I cannot always appear when I am asked, but I try to appear as often as I am physically able.
