Thursday, June 15, 2006

The Charter of Knox County

UPDATE: June 15, 2006; I have received a phone call from Mike Hammond this morning. He indicated that he had been directed to my blog (by an avid reader and fan I presume) and that he did not make the comment that has been attributed to him.

Two things, we have done to make all happy. 1) I have removed the quotations "" from the original post. 2) I have apologized to him personally and indicated that it would be corrected. (That's what I am doing, now)

I had three sources that were near him at the City-County Building that attributed those remarks to him. Can I confirm that the remarks were made as stated and broadcast? No. Can I stand by my sources? Absolutely. I take Commissioner Hammond at his word. We were wrong to report a quote that wasn't a "quote" and we believe all is right with the world, now.

It is rare that we have to correct a post, but when it is pointed out that we are wrong. We are happy to do so.

Original Post June 14, 2006 6:37 a.m. : The Brian's Blog team will be doing some research to determine what if any advantage there is for Knox County having a Charter. A review of pros and cons. County Commissioner Mike Hammond of Friday remarked in an interview. I'm not sure we need a Charter.

These sentiments have been shared by public officials and citizens to Brian throughout the weekend and week. Keep in mind that before Friday only 2 out of 95 counties in the state had a Charter form of government. There has been a decline throughout the country in local governments having a Charter form of government.

A proper first step would be to have a refrendum with a simple question of Shall, Knox County have a Charter form of Government? If it passes then pursue a Charter Commission, if it fails than begin prepartion to revert to the normal structure.

It is possible that the Charter could be an instrument or fad, who's time has come and gone. Similar to the schools that were built with open style classrooms that were designed in California in the 1970's, they were then bulldozed and replaced while Knox County is still living with at least 3 of these schools, today.

You are welcomed to leave your comments and thoughts.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Brian, I recited this on the Voice this morning. My apologies to William Shakespeare and Marlon Brando.

    Friends, taxpayers, citizens, lend me your ears;
    I come to bury the Charter, not to praise it.
    The choices, that people make, live after them;
    The good is often stated with their votes;
    So let it be with this Charter. The noble chancellor
    Has told you this Charter was ambiguous:
    If it were so, it was a grievous fault,
    And grievously has the Charter answered it.
    Here, under leave of The chancellor and the rest–
    For The chancellor is an honorable man;
    So are they all, all honorable men and women–
    Come I to speak in the Charter's demise.
    It was my friend, faithful and just to me:
    But The chancellor says it was ambiguous;
    And The chancellor is an honorable man.
    The Charter has brought many residents to come into this county,
    Whose taxes did the County coffers fill:
    Did in this the Charter seem ambiguous?
    When the poorest among us have cried, the Charter has provided:
    Ambiguity should be made of sterner stuff:
    Yet The chancellor says it was ambiguous;
    And The chancellor is an honorable man.
    You all did see that at the Home Rule election;
    Term limits were proposed and presented,
    Which the voters did not refuse: was this ambiguity?
    Yet The chancellor says it was ambiguous;
    And, sure, he is an honorable man.
    I speak not to disprove what The chancellor spoke,
    But here I am to speak what I do know.
    You all did love the Charter once, not without cause:
    What cause withholds you then, to speak up for it now?
    O justice! You are dead to conniving politicians,
    And citizens have lost their voice. Be patient with me;
    My heart is with the freedom granted in this Charter,
    And I must grieve till it come back to me.

    Rev. John Stuart,
    Knoxville, TN
    20 June, 2006
