Monday, June 12, 2006

TN's Democrat Governor Acknowledges Success of Republicans

This from this mornings Knoxville News-Sentinel. The incumbent Democrat Governor of Tennessee at his first campaign stop in Johnson City was bragging about taking excess tax from you the citizens, he took more than he needed to run state government. He has taken $500 million more than he needed to run state government.

The governor later switched approaches, instead comparing the state's budgeting process with managing a checkbook or credit card.

Also in Knoxville when he later switched approaches and said he was opposed to an income tax. That is good, even tough I believe that Phil Loves Taxes. He went on to say that he favored a gas tax increase. WHAT?

He acknowledges that he says whatever it takes to get elected and then change after he wins. "I just try to borrow from those individuals who have positive ideas," he said.

He is a reluctant Democrat "I very much believe that the Democratic Party needs to modernize itself and think about what it stands for other than just not being Republican," he said. He acknowledges the success of the Republican Party "Republicans have a six- to eight-point advantage in Tennessee, and that hill keeps getting a little steeper to climb," Bredesen said.

This now explains why he wasn't welcomed as a speaker at the Knoxville Truman Day Dinner. He believes that the Democrat Party is not modern and has no core beliefs or values other than being a Republican hater club.

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