Saturday, July 15, 2006

Brian's Votes Are In

This morning the Brian's Blog wife and the youngest Brian's Blog son and I arrived at the Downtown West Early Voting site. The youngest Brian's Blog son and I cast my votes in the TN Republican Primary and the County General election. I was greeted outside the 100 feet line by a few Democrat candidates. I spoke to each and shook their hands, introducing them to the only elected political Party Chairman in Knox County.

I saw the Voter Information booth being operated by the local Democrat Dean Dongs (Howard Dean wing of the Democrat party). I will post about this sham of a voter information booth later. I have been in contact with all the media about it.

The individuals at the voting location had interesting looks on their face that the Republican Chairman would be wearing a jacket in this weather. This Republican Chairman will always abide by the law. The law requires that no campaign signs or material are visible within 100 feet of the polling location. I was wearing a Chuck James County Commissioner golf shirt under the jacket. I promptly removed my jacket when I arrived back at 101 feet.

When we stepped up to the table and presented my voter id card. The gentleman asked what primary will you be voting in? I replied Republican, is there any other? That was for comedic value and the good people working the early voting site took it as comedic humor. I can see where the elderly may have some problems with the new machines.

It does appear that the Democrat Dean Dongs of the Knox County Democrat Party have created a fourth party in something called The Challengers. Today, in Knox County we have Republicans, Democrats, Independents and the Challengers.

The youngest Brian's Blog son and I had an enjoyable time. He and I both agree that it was a great day casting votes to elect Republicans.


  1. Brian;
    In fairness, there are those of us in Republican ranks who feel compelled to "challenge" the Party establishment (not you as Knox Chair, of course), but the Party establishment in general-a few of us are old hat at it.

  2. Dave;

    That is what makes us a stronger party and the Majority party. The fact taht as a family, we can disagree and have debate and battle.

    The opposition on the other hand is very heavy handed with no debate or difference of opinion.
