Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Joe Sullivan of the Metro Pulse

The weekly edition of the Metro Pulse is online this evening. I will have to agree that Joe Sullivan has it Right in his endorsement of Knox County Law Director Mike Moyers and his candidacy to become a Knox County Chancellor, replacing retiring Chancellor Sharon Bell.

The most distrubing thing about the Democrat opponent is what Mr. Sullivan reported about the Democrat in the endorsement of Moyers.

Andrews’ license to practice law was suspended for two months in 2004 for failure to meet continuing education requirements set by the state Board of Professional Responsibility. When asked about the suspension, Andrews initially said it resulted from tardiness in paying the state’s $400 annual privilege tax on professionals, because the notice didn’t reach him in a timely way. When advised it involved a continuing education lapse, Andrews ascribed it to a bureaucratic snafu.

Reaching Andrews, at least by telephone, is by no means easy. He has two office numbers listed in the 2006 telephone directory. One produces a recorded response that “this number has been disconnected.” The other reaches a law firm in West Knoxville which advises that Andrews hasn’t been associated with the firm for more than three years.

These lapses hardly seem like traits of someone who can be relied upon for jurisprudence.

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