Thursday, July 13, 2006

This evenings U.S. Senate Debate

This evening was the second and final debate between the three Republican U.S. Senate candidates. The debate held at West High School between former Republican Congressmen Ed Bryant, Van Hilleary and former Chattanooga Mayor and businessman Bob Corker.

Unfortunately, I missed the first one. This one was a good debate as I personally counted nearly 400 people in attendance. A few notables were present like Commissioner Mike Hammond, State Senator Tim Burchett, State Representative Republican leader Bill Dunn and State Representative Stacy Campfield.

I had to leave about half way through the debate, however, all of three of the candidates volunteer were professional and supported their candidates well. There were a few Dean Dongs present (anti-war pro Howard Dean liberal Democrats) They were left alone and ignored.

Republicans are professional and respectful to our protestors. Our party and candidate will be stronger through all of this and we will beat the liberal Democrat that the Demo's will put up.

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