Thursday, August 03, 2006

Great Republican Night - A Clean Sweep

The KnoxGOP campaign was successful. This ticket was managed by myself and Treasurer Nick McBride along with the assistance of hundreds of volunteers.

The KnoxGOP campaign made a clean sweep of the 5 countywide contested races.
Sheriff Tim Hutchison
Register of Deeds Steve Hall
Chancellor Mike Moyers
General Sessions Court Judge Div. IV Andy Jackson, VI
Criminal Court Judge Ray Lee Jenkins

The following races were retained or captured by GOP candidates
3A Tony Norman
3B Ivan Harmon
4B Phil Guthe
5A Michael Hammond
5B Craig Leuthold
5C John Griess
6B Greg "Lumpy" Lambert
7A Scott Moore
7B R. Larry Smith
8A Phil Ballard
8B John R. Mills
9A Larry Clark
9B Paul Pinkston

We only lost 1 County Commission seat in the 2nd District Seat A.

Thank you Knox County Voters for casting an informed vote. A vote for Experience. A Vote for the Republicans.

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