Friday, August 04, 2006

Hardin Valley High School

I have been a little busy this week with the KnoxGOP sweep that occurred yesterday. KnoxGOP won all but the Second District County Commission seat.

I am now prepared to comment on the Hardin Valley High School issue.

1) I was involved in the beginning discussions on Hardin Valley High. I am in receipt of many of the programming standards and plans for this Hardin Valley High. Knox County Mayor Mike Ragsdale said during the wheel tax vote that it would fund a $40 million dollar high school.

2) The Knox County School Board then proposed a $53 million dollar high school and ultimately cut it to about $47 million. So, they are attempting to buy a Cadillac Esclade on a Suburban budget.

3) The Knox County School Board when cost overruns were eating up the Cedar Bluff Primary school, the board shifted the funds from another project, Cedar Bluff Intermediate to the Primary.

So, with the precedent set. The Brian's Blog solution is for the County Commission to take the $5.0 - $7.0 million from the next project which is Powell Middle located in the same Sixth district and allocate those funds to the Hardin Valley High School to accommodate for the cost overruns. The School Board has washed its hands of it instead asking the Commission to fix it and this seems a resonable solution.


  1. Brian,

    Point of clarification as Powell is not in the 6th School Board District. I am sure you meant County Commission.


  2. Thomas,

    Congratulations on your election.

    Point of clarification, I am only refering to the County Commission district which includes Hardin Valley and Powell.

    The reason that I am not refering to the School Board is because this decision is in the Commission's hands as the School Board has handed the issue to them. The School Board can not do anything until the Commission acts on it.

    There is a school decision in the sixth school board district that will be on Brian's Blog soon. I hope that you, Thomas will weigh in with your opinion on the issue that will be in the school board's hands.

  3. Thanks Brian. I thought that is what you meant.

    I look forward to the County Commission meeting on the 28th of August, at 2:00PM. I will be more than happy to express my opinion as soon as we understand the funding decision from the County Commission.
