Sunday, August 06, 2006

Hardin Valley Landmarks to be Gone in 60 days

The Sixth district School Board Member will be changing on September 1, 2006 as Chuck James leaves the board and Thomas Deakins joins the board to replace James. Also, Rex Stooksbury will join the board representing the Seventh district. The Seventh district has needed a community leader like Stooksbury for at least eight years. I digress for the news item at hand.

Shortly after the election ended on Thursday, the Knox County School System notified the owners of three Hardin Valley landmarks that their time has ended. The three buildings that house Sims Market, Karns Volunteer Fire Department and the barber shop have been notified that they must close in 60 days.

What has caused the school system to close these three Hardin Vally landmarks? According to the School System. During site prep for the new High School the contractor got into the septic system that serves the three buildings, and discovered that the septic tank was full and the drain field was over flowing. Supposedly the school system has pumped the tank, but it requires pumping several times a month it keep it operational.
According to the School System the only way to keep the current system operational is to connect to sanitary sewer system. They estimate the cost to be $25,000.00 The Executive Committee (Superintendent and Board Chair) have determined to terminate the leases with 60 days notice to the tenants. Sims Market and the barber shop received notice on Saturday. The School system is working with Karns Volunteer Fire Department, so that lease has not been terminated as KVFD supposedly is looking for a new location.

The administration's views are that county taxpayer dollars should not directly benefit a private entity or entities that are not directly related to serving children.

Here are a couple of questions that Brian's Blog has. If the county or the county school system did not authorize or instruct the site preparation contractor to get into the septic system then the obligation to fix the septic system is not Knox County or the Knox County School System's it is the offending companies responsibility to compensate for the connection to sewer.

If the school system just wants to close these three landmarks than just say so. The School District did not want to have Sims re-opened a few years ago. The original owners had retired and the new owners wanted to re-open and there was some feet dragging on re-opening of Sims .

Sims is an excellent restaurant, but most importantly it is the only place in the community of Hardin Valley that people can gather and talk. I have enjoyed many a meal at Sims Market, myself. Hardin Valley is still a very rural, peaceful community. They don't need the orange route coming through and they don't need a Hardees, they have Sims.

The timing on this is interesting.

Brian's Blog is hoping that School Board Member-Elect Thomas Deakins will fight for the people of Hardin Valley. This decision happened the day after his election and the businesses will be closed during his service on the school board in early October.

The Brian's Blog position is to make the site preparation company pay the $25,000.00 to repair the damage they created and keep the Hardin Valley landmarks. It is the right thing to do.

I will discover who the site preparation company was/is and where they are located and will post that information, soon.

The Lewis Group is the Architect. Merit Construction is the Construction Manager and the Public Building Authority is the checks and balances oversight for the owner, Knox County Schools.

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