Thursday, August 31, 2006

Kallenberg Fires Back - Answers Will Be Forthcoming

Kim Kallenberg through her Attorney Greg Issacs today fired back. Here is the lawsuit.

August 31, 2006 is the last day for two members of the Knox County School Board. Diane Dozier, the Representative of the Powell (Kallenberg's) community and Chuck James the Representative of the Farragut, Hardin Valley communities. The last official day in their position, they are sued along with the 7 other board members for being unconcerned and not forthcoming in the investigation into what did Russ know, when did he know and why?

Interesting tidbits are 1) The Superintendent replaced them with males and one that is reported to be a close confidant of the Superintendent. 2) Inappropriate comments are alleged (with statements to prove the allegations) to have been made about Kallenberg and her personal appearance.
Had the School Board been forthcoming in pursuing an investigation. Knox County would not be faced with litigation that stands to jeopardize the entire Federal funding of the Knox County School System.

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