Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Political Mailer

As a blogger that post about local, state and national campaigns. I am receiving alot of political mail. I have received a mailer that does not have a paid for or authorized by on the mailer. There is no address on the mailer. I believe that it is not authorized by Mark Cawood's opponent. I do not know who designed, printed and mailed it, however, it is what it says.

End the
"Family Vacations"

For 20 years, Mark Cawood has attended conferences at taxpayers' expense

While he never goes to conference meetings, he always brings along a family member or two

"Family Vacations" include Philadelphia, Nashville, Phoenix, Memphis, Washington, D.C., Chattanooga.............

In the past 5 years alone, Mark Cawood was re-imbursed with YOUR money for 11,474 vacation miles traveled

TWO DECADES of travel are enough.......it's time to "NIP IT"

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