Friday, September 15, 2006

Bob Corker on Illegal Immigration

You will see a television commercial soon about Bob Corker's response to illegal immigration.

Bob Corker believes that to get immigration under control, we must:

Do what it takes to secure the border.

Allow people to work here, but only if they are legal.

No amnesty—those who are here illegally must leave and come back through legal channels if they wish to work here or eventually become citizens.

Create a system that allows employers to instantly and electronically verify worker status.

Insist that those who want to become American citizens learn the English language.


  1. Mr. Hornback,
    I look forward to seeing this ad. It should be 'enlightening' - to say the least.
    Some comments of mine on your posting:
    1) Do what it takes to secure the border
    My I suggest a fence using the East German model? I saw this while I was stationed in Germany and I was impressed by it. So was the East german population. The vast majority of the East Germans never attempted to cross it. Most of those that did make the attempt didn't make it. A few occassionally did but they were few and far between. I mean, after all we can be more secure but never completely secure. That thinking is applied to the War on Terrorism and I see no reason why it can't be successfully applied to immigration control. Let me quickly add that I doubt we'd need the minefields and machine guns the East Germans had. Barbed wire yes, guns no.
    2) Allow people to work here, but only if they are legal
    This sounds good, really good in fact, but I'd like more info/detail on what defines 'legal.' Are you/Corker implying a guest worker program? Also what obligations would 'legal' workers be required to fullfill? For example; would they be required to pay Social Security taxes even though they probably wouldn't retire here in the USA? Would Social Security checks be mailed to them when they returned to their country of origin? I have qustions surrounding other details but that's the general gist of them.
    3) No amnesty—those who are here illegally must leave and come back through legal channels if they wish to work here or eventually become citizens.

    First, some practical questions; - how does Corker intend to insure that they leave?
    Secondly, who will do the jobs they do while they are going through the process of leaving and returning? I keep hearing that Americans won't do these jobs so ... ?
    Thirdly, if an illeagal immigrant leaves and comes back leagal will they be entitled to get their old job back? Will they simply be given preference for it or will simply be "first come, first served"?
    4) Create a system that allows employers to instantly and electronically verify worker status
    I have a couple of problems with this as it is stated. First, won't this create a large increase in the staffing and budget of INS/ICE? In effect, an increase in the size of the Federal Government and its budget?
    Secondly, who would create, maintian and operate the database that would empower this instaneous electronic verification?
    Thirdly, who would provide oversight to insure that this is not abused? Would an employer be able to review a prospective employees entire employment history or simply get a yes or no answer to whether or not the prospective employee is leagal?
    Fourth, would native born Americans be subject to this? Would their names, worker history and status be included in this government database?
    Fifth, would there be any appeal process to resolve any glitches, issues and so on that always come up when the government gets involved in something? Particulary something this big.
    Finally, how does Corker intend to reply to those that would see this as just more government 'Big Brotherism'?
    5) Insist that those who want to become American citizens learn the English language.
    I really hope that Corker doesn't say this. You might to contact him and tell him to drop this part because it makes him sound incredibly stupid and ignorant of the naturalization requirements that must be met in order to become an American citizen. Naturalization candidates must be able to demonstrate a proficency in speaking English. There are also requirements in American history and civics that must be met before taking the oath. I am amazed that Corker, at least, sounds like he doesn't know that.

    To be honest, Corker's points sound more like empty talking points than anything else. Perhaps he has more details and fleshes this out on his website. Mr. Hornback, do you know if that's the case?
    Thank you.


  2. SteveMule is mastering portions of his course in DNSC/DNC talking points.

    Scare tactics and hypotheticals are what the liberals like Teddy Kennedy, John Kerrey, Hilleary Clinton, Barney Frank and Harold, Junior are pushing down to the leadership of the KnoxDems, (Mule is an officer) to spread.

    Corker has a plan, Junior will simply attack Corker. Watch and see. Junior will attack Corker on illegal immigration without submitting a Junior plan.

    The church that Ford was forced to attend as a child evidently didn't do very well, as he screams and talks over and accuses Republican County Chairmen and women all over this state of lying, when we all have his voting record.

    Junior has the DNA (uncle John, Aunt Ophelia and Harold, Senior) of not be completely truthful.
