Monday, September 25, 2006

Campfield's Democrat Opponent

Georgiana Vines has an interesting column in today's New-Sentinel. Here is the entire column. Here are a few excerpts with Brian's Blog Commentary:

McWherter urged a crowd of about 60 to elect Pettigrew to be "part of a team." McWherter, who said he didn't like negative campaigning, did not criticize Pettigrew's opponent. But Naifeh didn't hesitate.

Only 60 people attended? The Republicans can get more than that for any fundraiser, for any Republican candidate. In the past, the Dems had these type events to shield campaign contributions.

"I can go on and on. He's not for anything but against everything," Naifeh said.

The Democrat Speaker is mad. Is that a bad thing?

Contacted after the event, Campfield first joked about his "friend" Naifeh being in Knoxville.

Stacey always the gentleman, calling his opposition a friend.

As for Pettigrew being part of a Democratic team, Campfield said if the team is fighting against all reforms for immigration, against removing the sales tax on food and against working to control eminent domain, "I guess that's the team she wants to stand with."

"Jimmy Naifeh, he's the father of the income tax. She can stand with him, too," Campfield said

Remember, as the Metro Pulse reported, the team recruited her to move into the district. In addition the team located her husband a job. The Democrat owes everything to the team.

Pettigrew has been endorsed by TEAM, the political action arm of the Tennessee State Employees Association, some of whose members attended the luncheon on her behalf Friday.

State employees attending a political fundraiser during the work day? Hmm. What did the Governor know and when did he know it. Could it have been the same state employees that were required to contribute to the Governor's campaign in order to get their jobs or their job promotions.

The state employees moved the attendance numbers up to 60, Wow. I wonder what the attendance numbers were before the strong arm tactics of the TN Dems reached into the state offices and grabbed state employees.


  1. Mr. Hornback,
    Vine's entire article is very interesting. Do you have any comments concerning the "Push-Poll" she leads her article with? As for the comments made at the function concerning Rep. Campfield, a great many people actually agree. Rep. Campfiled could and should have done a much better, much more mature job than he has.


  2. SteveMule:

    If as you say "a good many people agree" why are they not showing up for an afternoon with the former beer king Governor Ned McWherter. (Ned owned/owns a Budwiser distributorship) If a ggod many people agree, why did they leave the Speaker of the House hanging with no attendance at the event.

    Or was it the TNDems intent to have few people consuming food, in order to place large amount of undisclosed cash in the campign account.

  3. A good many people don't agree either Steve-there is plenty of polling information that shows Campfield well ahead of Pettigrew and the fact that she was put in as a "plant candidate," right down to she and her husband both being given plum jobs is going to become a major issue.

  4. Mr. Hornback, David,
    There is "plenty of polling information ..." well square that with this: "Campfield said he wasn't polling but that the state Republican Party might be. "I'm not paying for a poll," he said." This came from the same article that you, Mr. Hornback, selectively cited for your post. However, if Campfield is not polling where did the "plenty of polling information" come from? What poll(s) are you citing? What are the numbers??
    Finally, I really, really, really hope that Campfield, along with the help of you two, really does try to play the "planted by TEAM" card. I've known Schree for sometime and the job she has now is the same one she had when I first met her 2-3 years ago and it's a job she's held alot longer than that. The same general thing goes for where the Pettigrews live. Whoever has told you about a deep, dark secrect has a deep, dark secrect - they filmflammed you. Who sold you all this? Anyway, I really, truely hope you run with this and try to make an issue out it.


  5. SteveMule:

    If the Metro Pulse was incorrect as you allege then why has the Knox Dems, TN Dems or the Schree campaign not refuted the story.

    Brian's Blog sources indicate that Mr.Pettigrew is named George and a staff attorney for TN DCS (Department of Children's Services) Is this correct information. I don't purchase information, as you allege. I have been misled before, not recently, as I confirm, confirm and confirm before I post.

    Stacey Campfield doesn't owe anyone anything and doesn't have to cast anyone's votes while serving in the legislature, except that of his district.
