Thursday, September 28, 2006

County Commissioner Explains Vote on HVHS

UPDATE: I have talked with a couple of different County Commissioners today. Two Commissioners that represent a bulk of the students that will benefit from the new Hardin Valley High School, but represent different districts have received many phone calls from district parents since the Monday meeting. The phone calls have thanked the Commissioners for their vote and leadership in fully funding the school for 2100 students. No phone calls have been received from Knox County School Board Members or from the Knox County Schools Central Office. But, then again Commissioners never received any phone calls the 30-60 days, when the School Board first requested the funding. The Commisisoners are thinking that some things never change.

Brian's Blog had several conversations with County Commissioners today about yesterday's vote on approving $6.0 million dollars out of Schools undesignated/other projects account in FY '08.

The belief is that schools (School Board and Superintendent) did not ask for a Revised Capital Improvement Plan, they asked for $6.0 million dollars in funding for Hardin Valley High School.

A Revised Capital Improvement Plan requesting an additional $6.0 million dollars would have been a different request.

I guess you live and learn.

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